Professional Landscape, Hardscape, and Irrigation construction, install, repairs, and maintenance done with expertise and care.
<Fast & Easy Estimate>
I am confident I can provide a quick assessment of the job site and a competitive quote within 72 hours of contact via call, text, or email.
<Flexible Hours>
At our business, we provide personalized scheduling solutions to ensure you meet your objectives quickly and efficiently without sacrificing quality.
<Trusted Professionals>
Leveraging 10+ years of expertise and success, you can have confidence that we clearly understand the strategies and techniques necessary for success.
We are a full service company with knowledge and expertise in every field pertaining to our work. With years of experience in the Wood River Valley you can trust that you will be getting the quality you desire.
Full Installs
If you're looking for a reliable team to take care of all of your construction and installation needs, look no further! We provide complete installation services for driveways, retaining walls, and raised beds with plantings, sod, and irrigation. No matter the project, you can trust us to do the job right. Our experienced professionals have the expertise and the skill to make sure your project exceeds your expectations. Let us show you why we are the best in the business.
At Prairie Landscaping and Hardscaping we specialize in transforming rocky, barren dirt yards into vibrant, lush oases.
planting and maintenance
At our company, we specialize in professional planting services and all-inclusive tree care. From planting to trimming/pruning to removal, our team meets all your needs with precision and care. We stand out for our commitment to quality, taking the time to ensure each job is done the right way. As a result, our customers can enjoy beautiful and healthy plants and trees for years to come.
Dreams do come true
"Let us help you turn your dream home vision into reality, no matter how complex the design may seem!".
Fair and honest pricing
Explore the amazing world of Prairie Landscaping & Hardscaping with our wide range of services, from design and installation to maintenance. We guarantee to take your project to levels you never thought possible. We take pride in our work and make sure to do it with a smile, because we genuinely enjoy what we do. We want to give you the best; after all, it's our name tied to it, so you should never settle for anything less than the best. Here at Prairie Landscaping & Hardscaping, we go above and beyond to make sure you get your money's worth and develop a happy, lasting relationship.
Contact us today
Contact Info
Address: Jerome, ID 83338
Phone: (208) 420-9646
Working Hours
Mon-Fri: 8:00 am – 6:00 pmSat-Sun: Customer contact only